TABLE VII. Group C inspection - Continued.
Number of
sample units
for inspection
C5 (every 12 months) 3/
Coil endurance
Thermal Shock
Vibration (sinusoidal)
Resistance to soldering heat
Dielectric withstanding voltage 2/
Insulation resistance 2/
Electrical characteristics 2/
Visual inspection (external)
C6 (every 36 months) 3/
Magnetic interference (when specified)
Coil life - Deleted
Salt atmosphere (corrosion)
Resistance to solvents
Dielectric withstanding voltage 2/
Insulation resistance 2/
Electrical characteristics 2/
Visual inspection (external)
1/ One intermediate current failure per 6-month retention period shall be permitted per FR groupings of similar
relay types as approved by the qualifying activity.
2/ Coil current may be performed prior to dielectric withstanding voltage and insulation resistance. The testing
sequence is optional for insulation resistance and dielectric withstanding voltage prior to the electrical
characteristics. Turn-on voltage (or current), see 3.1, and turn-off voltage may be done after coil transient
suppression voltage.
3/ Relays with spreader mounting pads or spacer mounting pads shall not be subjected to the testing of this
4/ Each mounting configuration to which a manufacturer is qualified will be represented during the normal
continuous periodic testing period. It will usually take more than one periodic testing period to achieve testing
of all of the applicable mountings.
5/ Life testing requirements are not applicable to T0-5 and 0.100 grid style relays.
4.8 Methods of inspection.
4.8.1 Visual and mechanical. Relays shall be examined to verify that the materials, external design and
construction, physical dimensions, marking, and workmanship are in accordance with the applicable requirements
(see 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.28, and 3.32). Paragraph 3.29 inspection requirements apply only when indicated.
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