4.8.21 Resistance to solvents (see 3.26). Relays shall be tested in accordance with method 215 of MIL-STD-202.
The following details and exceptions shall apply:
Portion to be brushed: All marking.
Optional procedure for solvent d is not applicable.
Specimens to be tested: One sample shall be tested with each solvent solution. For qualification
inspection, samples in excess of the available number of solvents shall be exempt from test. For group C
testing, two additional samples shall be selected. The additional samples may be electrical rejects from
group A2.
Examination: Specimens shall be examined for legibility of marking.
4.8.22 Voltage transients (see 3.27). Samples shall be subjected to the transient susceptibility tests as follows.
Rated supply voltage shall be applied to the relay coil circuit. For a period of 60 seconds minimum at 10 ms +1 ms
intervals, repetitively apply on the input, a voltage transient pulse with an amplitude as specified in 4.8.22a and
4.8.22b and a pulse duration of 100 s ±10 s. Rise/fall time of pulse leading edge shall be 1 µs maximum with
overshoots not to exceed 5 percent. Contacts shall be monitored by an acceptable means approved by the qualifying
activity. The contact loads shall be 10 mA maximum at 6 V dc maximum or peak ac. The pulse amplitude shall be as
shown on figure 11.
Specified turn-off voltage shall be applied. A series of transient voltage pulses with amplitude equal to the
maximum control signal voltage, or an equivalent voltage to produce the maximum control signal current,
as applicable, shall then be applied (see figure 11, configuration A). The relay contacts shall not change
Specified turn-on voltage, or an equivalent voltage to produce the specified turn-on current, as applicable,
shall be applied. A series of transient pulses with voltage amplitude equal to -2.0 V dc ±0.1 V dc shall then
be applied (see figure 11, configuration B). For FET driven hybrid relays, a current limiting resistor may be
used. The relay contacts shall not change state.
FIGURE 11. Voltage transients test waveforms.
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