TABLE VIII. Test details for dielectric withstanding voltage.
Points of application
Test voltage
Between case, frame, or enclosure and between all
contacts in the energized and de-energized positions
Between case, frame, or enclosure and coil
1,000 ±5 percent volts ac plus
Between all contacts and coil
twice rated voltage or the
Between open contacts in the energized and de-
specified value ±5 percent
energized positions
Between contact poles in the energized and de-
energized positions (applicable to multipole relays) At reduced barometric pressure. Relays shall be tested in accordance with method 105 of MIL-STD-202.
The following details shall apply:
Method of mounting: Normal mounting means.
Test condition: C.
Tests during subjection to reduced pressure: As specified in, unless otherwise specified (see 3.1),
except test voltage shall be 350 volts.
Points of application of test voltage: All terminals to case.
Duration of application: 60 seconds minimum for qualification and groups B and C tests.
Attributes data is acceptable.
4.8.7 Electrical characteristics (see 3.12). Static contact resistance or contact voltage drop (see 3.12.1). The static contact resistance or static
contact voltage drop shall be required for each pair of contacts. If both contact voltage drop and static contact
resistance are specified in the documents the manufacturer has the choice of which to run for the contacts. However,
each contact must be tested. Static contact resistance (see 3.12.1). Relays shall be tested in accordance with method 307 of MIL-
STD-202. The following details and exceptions shall apply:
Method of connection: The point of measurement shall be on leads external to the case. Suitable jigs and
fixtures shall be used.
Test load: Test current shall be 100 mA at a voltage equal to or below rated voltage, except those rated for
low level. See 6.1.1 for low level voltage rating. For low level, the current shall be 10 mA maximum. (dc or
peak ac).
Post test current: Unless life tests are specified in the grouping, load current and voltage shall be 100 mA
maximum at a voltage equal to or below rated voltage. When life tests are specified in the grouping, the
same current at a maximum of rated voltage as the life test, or 100mA maximum at 28vdc maximum, shall
be used.
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