NOTE: The broken lines indicate the division of the radial distance between the terminal and the surrounding header
metal into equal parts, thus creating concentric zones around the terminal.
FIGURE 2. Inspection aid.
3.30 Recycled, recovered, environmentally preferable, or biobased materials. Recycles, recovered,
environmentally preferable, or biobased materials should be used to the maximum extent possible, provided that the
material meets or exceeds the operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes economically advantageous
life cycle costs.
3.31 Pure tin. The use of pure tin, as an underplate or final finish, is prohibited both internally and externally. Tin
content of (product) and solder shall not exceed 97 percent, by mass. Tin shall be alloyed with a minimum of 3
percent lead, by mass (see 6.4).
3.32 Workmanship. The relays shall be fabricated in such a manner as to be uniform in quality, and shall be free
from cracked or displaced parts, sharp edges, burrs, and other defects that will affect life, serviceability, and
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