Rupture current: 25 amperes dc, 40 amperes ac.
Time current relay characteristics: See table II.
TABLE II. Time current relay characteristics. 1/
Successive application
1 hour
20 seconds
2 seconds
.53 second
1/ All relays shall withstand overload and fault currents. Relays must be able to sustain five
applications (make and carry only) of power concurrently on adjacent poles at each of four different
current levels in the sequence listed in table II. Separate relays shall be tested at 28 V dc and
115/200 V ac, 400 Hz 3-phase. Cooling time between successive applications shall be 30 minutes.
Tests shall be performed on both normally open and normally closed contacts. There shall be no
failures or evidence of welding or sticking and relays shall pass contact voltage drop at the
Operate time: 5 milliseconds maximum with rated coil voltage at 25C. 6 milliseconds maximum with rated coil
voltage over the temperature range.
Release time: 5 milliseconds maximum from rated coil voltage at 25C. 6 milliseconds maximum from rated coil
voltage over the temperature range.
Duty rating: Continuous.
Coil transient suppression: Not applicable.
Neutral screen: Not applicable.
Electrical data:
Insulation resistance:
Initial: 100 megohms at 500 V dc.
After life or environmental tests: 50 megohms minimum at 500 V dc.
1/ CAUTION: Due to possible interaction of relay magnetic fields, the following spacing requirements, as a
minimum, shall be considered in dense packaging situations:
a. Row to row assisting fields: .125 (3.18 mm).
b. Row to row opposing fields: .1875 (4.763 mm).
c. Side to side alternating fields: .0625 (1.588 mm).
d. Side to side like fields: .125 (3.18 mm).
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