Electrical data:
Insulation resistance: 1/ 10,000 megohms minimum, except the resistance between coil and case at high
temperature shall be 1,000 megohms minimum.
Dielectric withstanding voltage: 1/
Sea level
V rms (60 Hz)
V rms (60 Hz)
Between case, frame, or enclosure, and between all
contacts in the energized and deenergized position - -
Between case, frame, or enclosure and coil(s)- - - - - - -
Between all contacts and coil(s)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
All terminals
Between open contacts in the energized and
to case
and deenergized positions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Between contact poles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Diode characteristics: 2/
Maximum negative transient: 1.0 V.
Breakdown voltage: 100 V dc at 10 microamperes (µA).
Maximum leakage current: 1 µA at 50 V dc.
Coil transient suppression: Applicable.
Semiconductor in process screening: Applicable, visual inspection of semiconductors shall be in accordance
with MIL-STD-750, method 2074.
Environmental data:
Temperature range: -65°C to +125°C.
Vibration (sinusoidal): MIL-STD-202, method 204. Contact chatter shall not exceed 10 microseconds maximum
for closed contacts and 1 microsecond maximum closure for open contacts.
Vibration (random): MIL-STD-202, method 214, test condition IG. Contact chatter shall not exceed 10
microseconds maximum for closed contacts, and 1 microsecond maximum closure for open contacts
(Applicable to qualification and group C testing only).
Shock (specified pulse): MIL-STD-202, method 213, test condition C (100 g's). Contact chatter shall not exceed
10 microseconds maximum for closed contacts and 1 microsecond maximum closure for open contacts.
Insulation resistance and dielectric withstanding voltage tests must always precede all other specified
measurements. Connect all coil terminals together to avoid damage to the diodes.
In all tables relating to qualification testing and group A testing, delete coil resistance and substitute the
following test: Diode breakdown and block integrity with applicable voltage applied to the relay coil circuit in
the reverse direction, monitor leakage current with dc microammeter or oscilloscope. Leakage current shall
not exceed the specified value.