TABLE III. Dash numbers and characteristics - Continued.
1/ Each relay possesses high level and low level capabilities. However, relays previously tested or used above 10 mA resistive at 6 V dc maximum or peak ac
open circuits are not recommended for subsequent use in low level applications.
2/ The suffix letter L, M, P, or R to designate the applicable failure rate level shall be added to the applicable listed dash number. Failure rate level (percent per
10,000 cycles): L, 3.0; M, 1.0; P, 0.1; R, 0.01. Example: 001L, 002R.
3/ CAUTION: The use of any coil voltages less than the rated coil voltage will compromise the operation of the relay.
4/ Pickup, hold, and dropout voltages as shown are for test purposes only and are not to be used for design criteria.
5/ When maximum ambient temperature does not exceed +85°C, the maximum coil voltage shall be 32 V dc.
6/ Internal visual: Accomplish on a 100 percent basis prior to final encapsulation of the device to detect and eliminate devices with internal defects or foreign
particles that could lead to device failure. The inspection equipment shall include optical equipment of at least 10X magnification and visual standards to
permit the inspector to make objective decisions as to the acceptability of the device being examined.
7/ For qualification only, the relay shall meet the test requirements of this specification when installed in relay socket mount MIL-DTL-12883/52 and relay
bracket mount MIL-DTL-12883/53 except shock shall be 50 g's for 11 ± 1 milliseconds. No contact opening or closing in excess of 10 microseconds.
8/ Applicable to track mount B only, high temperature test and continuous current shall be performed at +95°C and +125°C. The values for high temperature
test and continuous current at +95°C shall be 18 V dc and 19.5 V dc, respectively.
9/ Dash numbers 039 and 040 are supplied without internal arc barriers. These relays are not rated for ac loads.