MIL-PRF-28776F Coil transient suppression (see 3.12.8). Coil transient suppression (applicable to dc operated relays with internal coil transient suppression (see
3.12.8). The coil shall be connected as shown on figure 6 or by an equivalent test circuit.
NOTE: Voltage greater than the maximum specified may damage the coil suppression device.
The switching relay shall be a mercury wetted contact switching relay. E is the nominal operating voltage
for the relay under test. The switching relay is operated from a source voltage independent of E. CRO is
cathode-ray oscilloscope with a rise time of .020 µs or less. The horizontal (time) deflection scale shall be
set at 0.5 to 1 ms per division (0.5 to 1 ms/cm), and the vertical (voltage) deflection to be such that the
vertical gain provides accuracy in reading. Example: 5 V/cm for a 12 V back EMF limit, or 10 V/cm for a
24 V back EMF limit. Both horizontal (time) and vertical (voltage) deflection traces shall be of a calibrated
grid spacing such as cm or mm.
The source, E, shall be a low impedance source capable of delivering the rated coil voltage with no limiting
resistor or potentiometer used to regulate the line voltage.
The switching relay shall be closed for a minimum of ten times the turn-on time of the test relay, or
switching relay whichever is longer, to allow the oscilloscope and circuit network to stabilize and then
opened to obtain the induced voltage deflection trace. The relay is to be driven at a 10 ±2 Hz cycling rate
with approximately equal open and closed times.
The reading shall be observed on the oscilloscope or other equivalent electronic test instrumentation.
The magnitude of the induced voltage transient shall be noted. A typical trace is presented on figure
The maximum value of three consecutive readings shall be noted.
For group A testing, only one measurement and other suitable test methods may be used to verify that the
back EMF (coil kick) is within the specified limit.
FIGURE 6. Coil transient suppression test circuit.
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