4.4.1 Qualification. Qualification shall be granted at the "L" or "M" failure rate initially and shall be based on results
of the qualification inspection specified in table II. A certification of construction to the materials requirements of 3.4,
and the design and construction requirements of 3.5 shall accompany the submission of qualification inspection
results to the qualifying activity. Sampling plan. The number of relays to be subjected to qualification inspection shall be as specified in
table II. The sample shall be selected from a production run and shall be produced with equipment or procedures
normally used in production. The qualification sample shall be as defined in table II.
4.4.2 Inspection routine. Sample units shall be subjected to the qualification inspection outlined in table II, in the
order shown, except that groups Q2 through Q7 may be conducted concurrently. All sample units shall be subjected
to the tests in Q1. These sample units shall then be divided into six groups as specified in table II and subjected to
the inspection specified for their particular group.
4.4.3 Failures. Failures in excess of those allowed in table II shall be cause for refusal to grant qualification
4.4.4 Failure-rate level and quality level verification. FR qualification. FR qualification shall be in accordance with the general and detailed requirements of
MIL-STD-690, MIL-STD-790 in its entirety, and the following details:
Procedure I - Qualification at the initial FR level. The manufacturer may qualify his products to failure rate
levels "L" or "M" initially.
Procedure II - Extension of qualification to lower FR levels. To extend qualification to a lower FR level (see
table III), data from two or more styles of similar construction may be combined.
Procedure III - Maintenance of FR level qualifications. Maintenance period of table IV shall apply.
Regardless of the number of production lots produced during this period, the specified number of life test unit
operations shall be accumulated to maintain qualification. If there is no production, see 4.5. The
manufacturer shall preselect the sampling plan to be used during the maintenance period from table IV. In
the event that failures occur exceeding the sampling plan selected (C = number), the failure rate of the
product shall be increased one level or the product removed from the Qualified Products List.
Noncompliance corrective action shall be in accordance with
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