Contact data:
Single pole, double throw, break before make.
Polarity: With pins 7 and 6 open apply positive voltage to pin 3 and negative voltage to pin 4. Pins 7 and 6 shall
show closed condition.
Voltage and current: 0.1 millivolt to 10 volts direct current, 2 milliamperes resistive, maximum.
Coil data:
Voltage rated: 6.3Vrms.
Resistance: 155 ohms ± 10 percent.
Impedance: 250 ohms ± 25 percent at 400 Hz with 6.3 volts applied at 25°C ± 5°.
Frequency range: Single phase, 400 ± 20 Hz sine wave.
Waveform characteristics (at 25°C):
Dwell time: See table I.
Dissymmetry: 15° maximum.
Transfer time: 15° maximum.
Noise level: 200 microvolts rms at 1 megohms impedance. See figure 2 for test circuit. Use a model RM122
Tektronix, or equivalent, low level preamplifier 1-1,000 gain, bandwidth 0.8 to 1,000 Hz and feed into a Ballantine
model 320A vacuum tube voltmeter (VTVM) or equivalent. Drive chopper with center tap grounded source of 6.3
volts, 400 Hz, and switch to connect each of the three contacts, in turn, into the preamplifier. Noise shown on
Ballantine meter rms, above system noise, is the chopper noise.
Environmental conditions:
Dielectric withstanding voltage (at sea level): 200 volts rms 60 Hz or 280 Vdc for 1 minute between contacts and
coil terminals, coil terminals and case, and contacts and case.
Insulation resistance: Test condition A, 100 megohms minimum between mutually insulated terminals and
between terminals and case.
Vibration II (10 500 Hz): Method 204, test condition A, MIL-STD-202.
Before test: Dynamic contact resistance (method II) applicable.
After test: The chopper shall be tested for dynamic contact resistance, dwell time at 25°C only, phase angle,
contact bounce, dielectric withstanding voltage, dissymmetry, and transfer time.
Shock: Method 213, test condition H (75 g's), MIL-STD-202.
Electrical load conditions: The chopper coil and contacts shall be energized with rated voltage and load, as
applicable, during two of the three shocks in each direction along each of the three mutually perpendicular
Test and measurements: After shock testing, the chopper shall be tested for dynamic contact resistance, dwell
time, at 25°C only, phase angle, contact bounce, dielectric withstanding voltage, dissymmetry and transfer
Temperature range: -40C ± 125°C
Life: 2,000 hours.